Senior Leadership Team:

Rabbi Cobi Ebrahimoff, Executive Head

Rabbi Ebrahimoff serves as the Executive Headteacher of King Solomon School. Rabbi Ebrahimoff qualified as a Rabbi through the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Leeds University and an NPQH from the Institute of Education. Rabbi Ebrahimoff was awarded National Leader of Education by the DfE for effectively supporting schools in challenging circumstances.

Tsipi Avrahami, Head Teacher

Tsipi has served as a primary school head for 21 years. She has been part of an “Innovative Schools” initiative over the past 4 years. Tsipi has been involved in leading innovative pedagogical and organisational processes as well as training future head teachers.

Ahron Meir
Business Manager

The schools business manager includes overseeing the smooth running of the school as well as management of human resources. Ahron is currently studying a degree in law and management He previously served in the army in international and foreign relations.

Odelia Vilner
Deputy Head

The school's deputy and year 6 teacher. She holds an Ba in Education, specializing in Computer Science and Mathematics. Odelya has now completed her master's degree in management and organization of educational systems. Odelya is responsible for all aspects of Pedagogy in the school as well as ensuring happy healthy learners in her class. Her educational credo: trust, love, and the imparting of skills to life are what will inspire happy students.


Yonit Schwartz
International Director

Yonit is one of the founding members of the school and part of the Senior Management team. Born in South Africa, and raised in Israel she holds a B.A from Bar Ilan University and a teaching qualification from London. Yonits field of expertise is integration of technology in Education and 21st Century Learning. Yonit has worked for 17 years in Education and leading schools around the world. Yonit is a firm believer in the schools vision that every child deserves a relevant, dedicated, International education that will prepare him for innovative work in the future.

Educational team:

Sharon Altrasou

Year 1

Michal Cohen

Year 2

Hanit Gueta

Year 4

Odelya Vilner

Year 5

Niv Hausman

Year 6

Tamar Aviad

Year 1

Tamar Harush

Year 3

Lilach Gilor

Year 4

Maayan Reginiano

Year 5

Dina Elimelch

Year 2

Shari Hazan

Year 3

Niv Hausman

Year 5

Candy Cardanis

Year 6

Subject Teachers:

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Rav Gal School Rabbi & Olim Coordinator

Rivka Elkayam

Yaeli Ovadia

Lisa Garfinkle - Art

Nechama Lemberg - Jewish Studies

Dalya Yagen SEN

Linda Zinatti

Efrat Kashat Bursor