King Solomon Academy – The first Jewish International School in Israel

King Solomon Academy is a Jewish, International private school located in the Kfar Hayarok, Ramat Hasharon. We aim to achieve academic excellence in an environment which nurtures creativity,

promotes innovation, and inspires students to develop a strong Jewish identity as contributors to global society. The school attracts a diverse cohort of students living in the Gush Dan area.

״שאין לך אדם – שאין לו שעה, ואין לך דבר – שאין לו מקום.”

משנה אבות, פרק ד

King Solomon Academy will offer you:

A unique learning experience with opportunities to develop your personal talents and strengths

Learning in groups rather than classes to maximise potential

An excellent faculty of dynamic teachers with specific areas of expertise

An international programme connecting students worldwide

Jewish education with opportunities to engage daily in Jewish life

The opportunity to make a difference and contribute to Israeli society

״איזהו חכם? – הלומד מכל אדם, שנאמר: ‘מכל מלמדי השכלתי’״

בן זומא

Our unique curriculum prepares students for life by providing opportunities to engage and work with leading companies and charities.  By engaging with the business world, students gain practical experience as they learn to develop creative ideas, set a budget, fundraise and implement solutions for real-life challenges.

The International Baccalaureate Programme

We are delighted to announce the opening of a new IB programme starting from Year 11 (Kitta Yud Aleph) in a new purpose-built campus for September 2022. King Solomon Academy is proud to be the first Jewish IB school in Israel offering a wide variety of accredited courses leading to the IB Diploma.

What is the IB Diploma?

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is made up of six subject groups and the DP core, including the theory of knowledge (TOK), creativity, activity, community service and the extended essay.

Through the Diploma Programme (DP) core, students reflect on the nature of knowledge, complete independent research and undertake a project. Students’ work is assessed as direct evidence of achievement against the stated goals of the Diploma Programme (DP) courses.

The advantages of the IB Diploma include:

The ability to further develop personal strengths, talents, and areas of interest

Interaction with leading international businesses

Acquisition of key skills necessary to succeed and thrive in a global economy

The Diploma is widely recognised in Israel, European Union, UK and the US

Students learn in English and acquire a high level of English literature

Students develop the ability to research, plan and present their projects professionally

Note: A strong academic background and good level of English is required to enter the programme.

”הוא היה אומר אם אין אני לי מי לי וכשאני לעצמי מה אני ואם לא עכשיו אימתי.“

מסכת אבות, פרק א

Registration now open!

Only 8 places still available

*All fields are required